Sunday, January 18, 2009

What are some of the common drugs now?

Some of the common drugs are :
Heroin , Ecstacy , Glue sniffing and Ice.

Why do people take Drugs ?

Some of the common reasons why people take drugs are :
They take drugs to escape from their problems , drugs make them feel good , they learnt to take drugs from bad company and was addicted to drugs .


-Why do people take Drugs?
-What are some of the common drugs now?
-Effects of taking drugs .
-give opinions
-find pictures .

What can we do to reduce Global Warming?

Reduce , Reuse , Recycle .
Drive less , walk more , ride a bicycle , use more public transport .
Use energy saving bulbs .

What is Global Warming?

Global warming is defined as the increase of temperature on Earth. As the Earth's temperature rises/decreases , disasters like droughts , hurricanes and floods are getting more common.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What I Think About Global Warming .

- Search on what global warming is about.
- causes for global warming.
- how can you and our government help to reduce global warming.
link videos - YOUTUBE.
- add song , your photo to the blog.
- create slides -